Empowering our illiterate Newcomer Hispanic Community with the Literacy skills they need to thrive in the USA

Spanish Literacy for Hispanic Adults

Help illiterate people in your community to start their journey towards Literacy and progress today!

Spanish Literacy for Newcomer Children and Teenagers

This program is designed specifically for young newcomers to the United States

Training Services for Spanish Literacy Coaches

Training workshops for Spanish Literacy Coaches and Credentialed Spanish Teachers

Do you know a Spanish Speaking adult who wants to learn to read and write in Spanish
Please share this information with them and encourage them to reserve their spot, TODAY!

Or if possible, please add their contact information to this Form. We will call them to provide more information or help them enroll in our Spanish Literacy classes. 
Thank you!!! 🙌

“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”
Frederick Douglass